Tuesday, April 28, 2009


so everyday, i walk to school, much to my dismay.. however, i've seen some pretty things, sounds sappy i know but yeah.. i've watched the trees go from dead to living, puddles turn from frosty to life sources, birds make love, and gardens gradually bloom. One day, i saw an abundance of dandelions in my backyard. being that my backyard has gone to the shits, theres nothing to see.. also by walking past peoples yards & things i realized how BEAUTiFUL dandelions really are. since i was little i never understood why people called them weeds. i vividly remember my young self arguing with an adult whose face i cant remember but whose name never leaves & that they truly ARE flowers and deserve to live. so one day on google i typed in dandelion. to see their origins to see why they were considered weeds. instead, i found a very beautful poem by perre shelton on youtube. and today i picked some. & i let them know they are appreciated.


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