Sunday, May 23, 2010

le header.

i just realized what photo is in my header.smfh. i was maddd toasted that day. it will be changed soon. i functioned quite well though. because idk how to change it now. *le sigh. this blog WILL be the longer version of my recently deleted twitter & facebook. i'll be back on though. in September. the only people that can contact me are those i like. i was on FB & Twitter as if i ACTUALLY networked with niggas. smh. but yeah. i need to find a photo to replace my current header.
the silly heart bra though Hilly? and the tongue out though? was that supposed to be SEXY? smfh... i'm such a crumbled piece of toast bread when i drink too much and second hand smoke the piffington. smh. i should find something relevant to rant about. tomorrow. or whenever i get back on this.

photo. afro

my afro has gotten quite large. i want to take photos with her. her name is Chaka. last name Zulu. she never listens to me. she's that resistant diva that her name suggests. i want a dope ass camera a yellow dress and a pick. make me smile too. i like photos lots. despite how fat i have gotten. photos are always nice. my smiles are always awkward & i always love the camera more than it loves me.but OH WELL. an afropicked photoshoot, WILL work.
i also want someone to tickle my feet for some random reason.
i want to laugh from the bottom of my guts.
dislocate my gall bladder and shit.
i want that photo to be taken in black and white.
make the moment pure. if i wanted it PURE pure, i'd make it all white.
sprinkle some yayo on it. [that's what they call coke right?]
but i want my face to be it'd have to be a segregated type photo.
i like how i look like pure oil in black and whites.
where's my brother & his dope ass Nikon & shit.
lucky bastard. nice ass camera in the face type niggaroach.
where is anyone in this world with a nice ass camera?

what the frinky tinks!?

i was completely cool about breaking out into hives. i was like ok, sensitive ass skin ain't no THANG. but now shit wanna get disrespectful and climb to my face?! "i'm cute for a dark skinned girl". they're about to take that away. now my face looks chubby as if i'm not already overweight enough. just FML. i'm so superficial that i can't even study that well. oh lawd. oh my goodness. superficial me.
Despicable ME. imma def see that this summer.
i'm gonna do a lot this summer. at least that's what i'm saying NOW.
just, my FACE though?! & i can't scratch it because i refuse to be ugly & scarred on the outside. i'm cool with the inside oogliness.i can work on that when i'm 90 & dying. but my face though?! ahhh!

*GLARES at psych book. its a blob. tries not to itch. holds back tears.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

random rant about men. which are many.

falling in love has never been my thing. & falling into beds is getting a bit boring. penises get less and less fun to ride after you realize all they are is a bunch of weird ass erectile tissue that niggas piss from. i think i'll just TRY to cut dudes off. i really don't understand why its hard. i don't even LIKE men. no, i am not gay, but being straight has never benefitted my heart much either. i think i'll read "Ain't Gonna Be the Same Fool Twice" again. when i realized everyone was just human, regardless of what they liked. then i read "Roots" when i realized a lot of people don't even give a fuck about that, regardless of history. AND 'That Time' has been in my head FOREVER. so cheap & JUICY! smh. oh well.